Institution of Engineers (India)


The Institution of Engineers (India) [IEI] is the largest multi-disciplinary professional body of engineers, established in 1920 with its Headquarters located in Kolkata and incorporated under Royal Charter on 9th September, 1935 by the then His Majesty of King George V. The Royal Charter endowed the Institution with the responsibility to promote the general advancement of engineering amongst its members and persons attached to the Institution. After Independence, the Institution is a “Body Corporate” protected under Article 372 of the Constitution of India. The Institution of Engineers (India) is administered by a National Council with the President as its Head.
The Institution of Engineers (India) (IEI), the premier professional body of engineers in India, has contributed significantly in all faculties of engineering and all sectors of applications like academics, administration, industry, infrastructure and consultancy. IEI has been functioning under the objectives laid down in the Royal Charter, sanctioned in 1935, and has contributed to the national socio-techno economic development policies. The chapter promoting the advancement of the science and practice in different fields of engineering.

1.Dr.I.Mahendravarman,AP – EEE
Faculty Advisor-Membership ID (M-1760321)
IEI Student Chapter -Electrical Division

< tr> < tr> Date Program Title
1 24.08.2016 Personality development
2 22.03.2016 World water day,-“Short film contest”
3 06.09.2017 50th Engineer’s Day Celebration Essay Competition Elocution Competition Quiz Competition
4 07.09. 2017 Elocution Competition Quiz Competition
5 22.03.2018 Project display
6 09.08.2019 Technical quiz
7 29.05.2020 Covid quiz
8 09.06.2020 Online webinar on “Engineering in facilities management”
9 13.11.2021 Online webinar on “Impacts of Industry 4.0”
10 14.12.2021 Climate action – the role of energy efficiency and renewable energy
11 09.09.2022 GATE Awareness Program
12 26.10.22 & 27.10.22 Two days “Hands on Training in Arduino IDE software”

Prominent Alumni